You know what they are, right?
I mean, you've heard about them, everyone's heard of them.
Ever walk by some place and got creeped out? Ever enter a room and shiver for no reason? A Gaunt is a thin place, a fraying of reality created by a Glim. I say thin, because I'm talking about the distance between our real and the horrors on the Other Side. And that distance is not very far at all... many times, it's only a few heartbeats away.
It's easy to think our reality is secure. That there's a wall of safety around us. There isn't. When a deceased person leaves a Glim behind, well, they get to stitching a Gaunt and if it gets big enough, if it gets thin enough...if it eats away a hole in our reality? Well then, them things on the Other Side, the Dead? They come sniffing around, with their frightening fang-filled maws, ravenously hungry and looking to feed.
A Gaunt isn't just a thin place, a momentary chill running up our spines, no, to people like me–it's a death trap. A warped, twisted field of mind fucks and night terrors.
You want to know what it's like to step inside one, to cross over into a Gaunt? Stick with me.
My name's Lincoln Bright.
I'll show you how horrifying a Gaunt can be.
Available Now: Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Available on: Amazon, Barnes & Noble
ISBN: 9781955281089
Cover: Oscar Romero
Editor: EF Camacho