Samantha Parker-Owen
Samantha Parker-Owen was a wonderful storyteller and writer. Having started her career as an independent journalist, Sam hosted a number of radio shows on public access radio in Philadelphia through Otaku-Life Radio. A group focused on cultural events on the eastern seaboard. Samantha wrote and edited interviews and articles for the organization. Later, parlaying her efforts as a writer through GPX Gaming, and their websites, serving audiences all over the world; writing about material in the recreational and competitive gaming genres alike.
Sam’s talents as an interviewer and writer in these fields led her to contribute journalistic articles to a variety of magazines, from D20 Magazine to Unreality Magazine, Geeks of Doom, and Legendarium, to name a few.
Eventually, working as a proofreader and junior editor at Haven Kids Publishing where she worked on three children’s books.
Moving, eventually, to her final publishing home here at Caffeine & Ink Books, where she served multiple roles in office and at promotional events.
Samantha took extreme pride in her work editing and revising children’s books, aiding authors in yielding beautiful works. She, a mother of two young children, wanted nothing but the best literary works available not just for her children, but works for all children that didn’t just fit in with the norm. Works that empowered children, didn’t coddle false sensibilities, and taught young girls to be powerful.
Samantha passed away January of 2019 and had completed proofreads over numerous novels, including, the companies first graphic novel, young adult science fiction, children’s books, and young adult fantasy.
She is sorely missed.
Books Samantha proofread, edited, revised, or otherwise aided by lending her talents:
It’s Hard to Give a Butterfly a Hug
Winkie and the Sunflower
Tommy and the Witch who Lived in a Tree
Tommy and the Lucid Dream
Dirty Blood
Rhest for the Wicked
Rhest of the Time
Glims: A Lincoln Bright Story
I Think? No, I’m Sure…God Hates Me